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Adrian's Angels Gatherings

Fr row: ?, Riley, Carmen, Debbie A
Back Row: Elaine, Gail, Leepeace, & Darci
Gathering of MacGeezers
August 9-12, 2002
Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
Fr Row: Darci, Riley, Anita & Carmen
Back row: Karen, Gail, Becky Jo, Debbie S Elaine & Roseanne
Gathering of MacGeezers
August 8-11, 2003
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Gathering of Friends 3
July 15-19, 2004
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Elaine, GNU, Linda A, Donna, Debbie S, Vangie (seated) & Gail
Dina, Maria, Sheryl, Nora, Elaine (hiding), Riley, Uschi & Jubie
April 4-7, 2005 Los Angeles, CA
Adrian was appearing in a play, "Things Just Change" in Los Angeles, CA. We had an impromptu "Gathering" with friends from around the World.
We were invited to the play by Adrian, and spent the evening after the play with Adrian and the other actors and friends on a small patio behind the theater. Read all about it and see some pics..CLICK HERE!!
Elaine, Gail, RIley, Jen O & Linda A
Gathering of MacGeezers May 2010
Albuquerque, NM
Karen,Linda A, Jen O, Gail, Riley & Elaine
Gathering of MacGeezers
May 2012
Next Gathering?? We will keep you posted!
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