Are you wondering exactly what a
"Purr-fect Pet" is??

Are you wondering why you've never had one of those?

Or why you'd want one?

It's simple.

A "Purr-fect Pet" is one that:

Never needs to be fed. What could be cheaper?

Never has to visit the Veterinarian. Imagine the savings!

No smelly litter box to clean. No humongous bags of
         kitty litter to haul home. Sounding better?

No Pooper-scooper or unsightly doggy presents in your yard.

No pet hair on your clothes, your furniture, in your mouth.

No more getting up at all hours of the day and night to let the little monster  In & Out..In & Out.
           (You know that  drill!)

No claw marks on your recliner. No chewed up shoes.

No unnecessary and unwanted litters of puppies or kittens!

No scratches or bites upon your person...or the neighbor!
So now you know you need one..
so learn more about them!


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Web page designed and maintained by Rileah Ringo