Visit Purr-fect Pets for unique gifts!!!!!
Decorative Painting
Craving a unique look for your
home, office or business?
Let me create your "Art"mosphere!
A wall...a door...a border,
Trompe L'oeil and more.
Located in the Albuquerque/Santa Fe,
New Mexico area,
I'm the artist that can give your home
or office a new lease on life!
Enter the imaginative world
Ringo Design!!
Large wall murals
of all sorts!
Fool the eye and you have to look twice with these awesome murals!
Open these!
If you haven't tried one, you're missing out!
AMAZING Potato Bag!
Have a question or comment?
Want more information?
Just E-mail me!
Be sure and visit our other site....
"Purr-fect Pets!"
(click here)
Every attempt was made to obtain permission to use all graphics, wavs, midis, gifs, etc.
utilized on this site. If I have "purr-loined" a copyrighted item unintentionally, please notify
me immediately and it will be removed.
Web page designed and maintained by Rileah Ringo
Copyright 2001-2012
"Purr-fect Pets," Amazing Potato Bag" and all other artwork and design remain the sole intellectual and creative copyright of Ringo Design and Rileah Ringo