It's time to get acquainted with Adrian's Angels!
Welcome to the busiest, funnest, most caring and
sharing Adrian Paul group online!
We may not be the biggest...but we try harder.
Here is some info you might find valuable....maybe not.
Take what you will. 
Over the years Adrian's Angels has grown and grown...the web site too! We have an award winning web site with over 100 pages of information, pictures, updates, etc. I work hard at keeping it updated and looking nice and am happy to share it with all of Adrian's fans. You'll find one of the most complete Highlander information sites online. All the Tracker information you might want as well as an Adrian Bio/Filmography and News (past and present) and about 10 pages of wonderful Adrian pics. Sigh.
(click here)
The website is broken up into 4 different sections.
In each section there are tons of interesting pages for you to discover.
(click here)
(click here)
(click here)
(click here)
News 2007
News 2006 Archive
News 2005 Archive
News 2004 Archive
Online Interviews
Birthday Project 2007
Xmas Project 2006
Birthday Project 2006
Fandom Central
Adrian Paul Pics (10 pages!!)
Guest Book
Episode Guides
Seasons 1-6
HL Funstuff
Guest Book
Episode Guides
Season 1
Guest Book
Who Are We?
Angel of the Month
Fan Expressions
Current Contest
Calendar Contest
Divine Designs
Guest Book
Gutter Girl Land
So just click on the header pic for each section and enjoy the trip!

On Tuesdays we have what we call FRUSday and have fun finding pics of Adrian to send through based on the theme of the week. It's a great way to add to your own AP collection, or perhaps, to share pics you have also. Since fans come and go, some new, some old, there might always be someone who has not seen "that picture." If you want to view past FRUS, check out our AA Yahoo photo albums.
We try to have a contest or something interesting going on. Each month we have a
Calendar Contest where the members, any member, comes up with some great designs/wallpapers. If you have any experience in this area, or might have a budding interest
in it, this is the place to give it a try. Most of our Contests feature a nice Adrian's Angels prize.
Nothing huge, or fancy, but just a token of our appreciation. Everyone likes to be a winner!
You can see all the past winners on this page too.
We also have other types of Contests....Trivia, Word Games, Match Games, Bingo,
Caption, etc. Whatever we can come up with that might be fun and get people involved.
To see a few different types of contests we've had and past winners visit our Contest Page.
Or check out our Current Contest page where we keep the current/active contests. Announcements will be made when new contests are opened.
Every Saturday we have a worldwide chat among our members. It's lots of fun and exciting to be able to talk with people in real time chat. Some nights you'll find people from Australia, Canada, Italy...all over the world. It's safe, easy and worth checking out.
For all the details, info, etc. head to our Chat Page.

In case you didn't catch it, earlier I mentioned "AA." Not the recovery program you might think, but just a shortened version of Adrian's Angels. Besides, Adrian is addictive, isn't he?? *VBEG* In fandom, over the years, there's developed a ton of Acronyms like VBEG, TAO, etc. If you want more info on "fandom speak" visit our Funstuff page.
Because of our size and the volume of e-mails, we try to keep a close watch on conversations
and to do that, a lot of my help comes from our wonderful Moderators.
We have four:
Karen H.....(Karen@adriansangels.com)
If you ever need assistance, or have questions, don't hesitate to contact one of us for help.
Together we have about 30 years+ combined experience in HL/AP and online, so hopefully
one of us can assist you. No guarantees though!
To meet our current Moderators, some of the other Angels and learn how Adrian's Angels became a reality, check out our "Angel of the Month" page.
We pride ourselves on being a caring, sharing group..so you might see a lot of personal things being discussed. Just about anything is fodder for talk other than religion, war and topics in those sensitive areas. We have found that our Angels become family to each other and for some, great friendships develop. Personally, after running the group for over 6 years now, I can tell you..
I've met many of these members, in my home, at their homes, at Cons and they are a
super nice bunch of people.
You might see a lot of Wing Flapping going on. Many years ago it came about that since we were "Angels" we might as well flap our wings when others need us. No matter what your preferences, wing flapping never hurt anyone and who knows, it might help. If it makes someone feel better, there is no harm in it. We try to keep these requests limited on the list, and if they start to get involved, become and ongoing thing, we try to move the topic to Angel Hugs. (see below)
That's not to say there are not problems sometimes. As with any group, personalities are different, views are different, perspectives are different...so we try to keep things as Peaceful as possible and we ask that everyone help us keep it that way.
If a topic starts to become too personal, or too involved, we ask the member to take it to our sister group, "Angel Hugs." We started Angel Hugs as a special place where no one is judged and where everyone is free to let it hang out.. to moan and groan and find some empathy. It's where you can find advice, extra attention, etc. No one is required to join both groups, that's entirely up to each person.
(click here)
Most of all.......get comfortable, don't be shy and join in the conversations.
Introduce yourself and you might be surprised at the welcome. :>)


Some people have problems with the volume of mail we generate, but there are some options provided by Yahoo to help with that.
Below is similar to what you might see on the Yahoo Edit Membership page. We've provided
this to help you navigate and find the best way to get your mail.
Step 1. Your Contact Information
The profile shown below will be used to identity you when you access photos, messages, and
other great features of your Yahoo group.
Yahoo! Profile- Select the Yahoo Profile you would like to use for this group. The profile will be used to identify you when you access the group's web features.
E-mail Address - Choose the e-mail address that you would like group
messages sent to.
Step 2. Message Delivery
Yahoo! Groups lets you choose how you stay in touch.
Individual E-mail- The option to choose if you want to get each message and special notice individually and immediately, as it is posted.
Daily Digest - The option to choose if you want to see all the messages but limit the amount of e-mail you receive. We'll compile an e-mail with up to 25 messages and send daily (special notices too!)
The only problem with Daily Digest is that you are unable to see pictures (FRUS) or any attachments in your mail. Yahoo also is not storing them any longer, so you will miss out.
Special Notices - Receive only important e-mail notices from the group moderators.
Web Only - Don't get notified of the latest happening . read messages only on the web.
read messages only on the Web.
(I imagine this is the new NO MAIL) so I'd select this one to stop mail to your in box
until you return.)
Step 3. Message Preference
Select a display format for any e-mail messages you may receive (see samples).
*Fully Featured (new and improved) * Traditional
When changes made, click on SAVE CHANGES
That's it!!! You are done.

Ok. we have bored you enough! Enjoy the group and welcome!
Be sure and BookMark this page so you can come back
often for all the info you might need!
Need more info? E-mail me!
**Disclaimer: Every attempt was made to obtain permission for use of pictures
and graphics. This site is intended as entertainment only. No offense is intended.
If you find that I have "pinched" a picture, graphics or sound file that violates any
laws of Copyright please notify me immediately and they will be removed.**
All rights reserved 2001-2007
Site designed and maintained by Rileah Ringo