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Convention Pics
These pics are from various Cons over the years...
some are Highlander, some are local, some are Sci-Fi...some are in Europe, some in the US, some are in Australia...
but no matter where they might be, Adrian Paul fans show up.
June 10, 2006
Atjaro/Gateway Festival Budapest, Hungary
courtesy Annamaria
courtesy Uschi S.
courtesy Uschi S.
courtesy Annamaria
courtesy Annamaria
courtesy Annamaria
The TV Interview was during the Con, so I have included.
courtesy Bea
courtesy Bea
courtesy Bea
Bea and Bones
Stephy C, Bea and Carol S
courtesy Bones
Adrian Paul and Jim Byrnes
Elizabeth Gracen
Adrian and Bea Courtesy Bea
After the Convention there was a special group adventure. Visiting all the Highlander sights in Paris. This is where the barge was moored.
Most pics copyright Adrian Paul Official or Highlander Worldwide
Alexandra, Marilyn, Bea, Astrid & Shona Courtesy Bea
courtesy Bea
Liz and Bea courtesy Bea
courtesy Bea
courtesy Bea
Bea and Peter courtesy Bea
Peter, Adrian, Nora, Jim B, Liz, David A Courtesy Bea
Peterborough 2012
Pictures copyright WEM and others
Copyright Highlander Worldwide and Adrian Paul Official
From Left: Nora, Celena, Linda A, Gail, Rea, Elaine RIley and the good-looking guy at the back is Adrian Paul. Taken at the "War of the Worlds: Goliath" premiere afterparty/
With Ashley Bottoms in a video interview
Screencaps by Rileah RIngo
Note: I am not sure who all of the pics belong to. Some were found all over the web, some were sent tp me years ago...YEARS!!! and I sure can't recall much of yesterday, let alone who sent them to m. I did not STEAL them, they were acquired with no evil forethought. :)
If you are the photographer, please, please contact me and I'll be sure and credit you.
I do not take credit for any of these pics, nor do I intend to or try to. I just want to share with the fans who could not be there.
All pictures and comments remain the sole property under
established Copyright Laws of their creator.
Please do not take, copy, pass on or link to without their specific permission.
**Disclaimer: Every attempt was made to obtain permission for use of pictures
and graphics. This site is intended as entertainment only. No offense is intended.
If you find that I have "pinched" a picture, graphics or sound file that violates any
laws of Copyright please notify me immediately and they will be removed.**
HIGHLANDER is a worldwide copyright and trademark of Davis*Panzer Productions,
Inc. and Gétévé. All rights reserved. © 2004 Davis*Anderson Merchandising Corp
All rights reserved 2001-2013
Site designed and maintained by Rileah Ringo