Pink Ribbon

Note: All designs are sold. Pictures are for demonstration of designs only.

Show that you are a supporter, or buy for someone you know who has fought the battle...or perhaps, is still fighting.

We are ALL survivors!! This design is the "star" of my back window and I get more comments , compliments and blessings from those who see it.

As shown: Approx 18"w x 9" high
Color: Pink

Waterproof, self-adhesive, easy to install w/some soapy water, window cleaner, tape measure, knife and a squeegee.
 Application Instructions included w/each order.
Easily removed from glass with a razor blade.
$25.00 each

A lovely ornament to hang from your tree, or put on a display and hang anywhere.

Filled with pink ribbonfeathers of all sizes, and decorated with the Pink RIbbon for Breast Cancer with a tiny pink flower in the center.
Hang with a thin pink satin ribbon.

$5.00 each
E-reader or tablet Carrier (back w/pocket)
E-reader or tableet carrier (front)
Cell Phone Bag
 (Loop & Button Closure for safety)
Pink Ribbon Cell Phone Charms.
Show your support everywhere you go.
Linda Arfsten designed this bracelet
Coming soon....Pink Ribon Cane Covers!!
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All rights reserved 2001-2012

Site designed and maintained by Rileah Ringo  
Copyright Rileah RIngo

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US