While you are here..there are a few sites you may want to visit.  
They have special meaning for several of your fellow Angels.

Adrian Paul Peace Fund
Protect, Educate, Aid, Children, Everywhere
The charity close to
Adrian Paul's heart.

Click once a day and help fund a mammogram!
Buy merchandise and a % goes to the Breast Cancer resesarch.

National Mutltiple
Sclerosis Society

Sell your items thru Mission Fish and it automatically donates to the charity of choice. Click on the pic for more info!

National Fibromyalgia Association

Gastroparesis is a devastating disease, learn more help find an answer!

American Diabetes Association

The Arthritis Foundation


Colorectal Cancer

Alzheimers Disease

These links are provided for information only and we do not endorse in any way these sites as to their integrity.
 Donate at your own risk!

If you have a charity close to your heart that you'd like to see listed here, please  send an E-mail.

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