Round table pics of our lunch up in Madrid, NM at the Wild Horse Saloon.
They filmed parts of "Wild Hogs" in Madrid. (Riley and Gail)
Gail and Carmen
Carmen and Jen
Jen and Karen
Karen and Linda
Linda and Elaine
Elaine and Riley. Around we go and no alcohol involved! lol
A little PEACE goes a long way!
Linda shows off one of her jewelry creations.
Jen visits with the whistling purple critter at Riley's house.
Gail, the "Techno Turkey" is honored with her own shelf sitting Turkey.
Riley prepares the Tacos for our Fiesta Party!
Carmen, always smiling!
A welcome rest break with Gail and Elaine.
At the Chapel of Loretto (in Santa Fe), in front of the amazing Spiral Staircase. Once featured on "Unsolved Mysteries," this 33 step staircase has no center support. The Chapel is amazing.