Adrian Paul Holiday 2011

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December 22, 2011
Hi's been a long time coming, late, late late but I think it's finally arrived!
Tripod server went down, there have been health issues, sad issues, and this is my 4th attempt at a website that will handle this. I'm NOT a programmer. The website builder I use is old and I just can't get into the swing of all this new-fangled stuff. lol we are once again.
We hope you enjoy!!

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Thank you for all the wonderful entries
to our Holiday Guestbook!
Adrian enjoyed reading your Holiday
greetings. :)

This page loving created and hosted by:
Adrian's Angels
***As always, these cards would not, nor could not be put together without the help of many people. Thank you to: Gail Kallen for her infallable sense of what is funny
nd what is not.  Two a.m. or not, she's the bestest!

Thank you to my wonderful Moderators who keep "Adrian's Angels" afloat whilst I'm off working on things behind the scenes: Linda Arfsten, Karen Houlton, Jen Oberholtzer and the one who keeps our presence on Facebook & Twitter alive..Elise VanCise. Behind the scenes our wonderful MacGeezers (you know who you are!) keep me
sane (bwaaahahahahaha) while doing all this. :)

Contact us

Be sure and visit the other sections of our huge web site
dedicated to Adrian Paul and Highlander!
Adrian's Angels Home Page Adrian Paul PageHighlander World Tracker Page Adrian's Angels The Group Page

Copyright: Rileah RIngo 2011